Annual UK Medical Cannabis Patient Survey

Each year we aim to gather insight into patient satisfaction and demographics by engaging with the UK’s leading CBPM-prescribing clinics. 

2023 Pilot Survey Results

In late 2023, to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the UK law change on medical cannabis, we invited clinics to collaborate on a pilot survey to gauge patient satisfaction.

The decision to run this outreach through established clinics was taken to prioritise legitimate and current patients with valid prescriptions.

This anonymous survey returned a small sample of 300 participants who, during the period of September to December last year, were in receipt of a prescription.

The pilot was completed in conjunction with Curaleaf Clinic (formally Sapphire Clinic), My Access Clinics and Leva Clinic.

Limitations & learnings
The inevitability of any pilot initiative is that there will be limitations and learnings throughout the process. We learned that of the small sample, the majority of the patients surveyed reported positive outcomes on their patient experience and quality of care.

Clinic participation at the draft phase of the survey was initially strong, but this dropped off overtime and didn’t recover. As a result, we determined that any further surveys of this nature should not rely solely on this distribution method.